Software Development Kit
A Software Development Kit for drivers is available for you to develop your own driver. Our team and partners are available to study your specific requirements and implement or tailor a driver for you.

Which SDK for what?
The Manager Toolkit – Create links between PcVue and other applications !
A manager is a part of Scada software. There are many manager like alarm manager, historical manager, real-time database manager.
Manager toolkit enables a programmer to interface with Scada software. This method is very helpful to make links between Scada and other applications, or to have specific treatments on variables that are not managed by the Scada software.
Manager toolkits load dynamically users DLL and invoke specific functions.
Why using the Manager Toolkit?
- To reuse application-components: There are some features that need to be done outside of PcVue (very specific calculation with advanced algorithm). The treatment can be done in a third part application by reading data in PcVue using the Manager toolkit & the result can be calculated & written back to PcVue.
- To connect existing software: the manager toolkit can help to solve the interoperability problem by giving different application to link their data.
The Protocol Toolkit – Develop your own driver using PcVue communication kernel
The protocol tool kit is useful to develop master/slave protocol which are not implemented in PcVue. Using standard development tools, the protocol compiled as a DLL is easily integrated in PcVue.
CIMWAY, the PcVue communication kernel, provides a development environment in order to develop proprietary protocol. CIMWAY proposes a generic interface to get data or send order whatever the protocol. The code of the protocol is written in C++ and linked as a DLL file (Dynamic Link Library) which CIMWAY loads. In CIMWAY, protocols are modules totally independent from each other. If a protocol is added or modified only the protocol’s DLL must be rebuilt.
This makes protocol evolution much easier to maintain.
Why using the Protocol Toolkit ?
- To develop a very specific driver integrated in PcVue
- To interface with another software or hardware
The Web Services Toolkit – Connect business with each other
When all major platforms could access the Web using Web Browsers, different platforms could interact. Web services are one of the greatest technologies developed in the Internet world. They can be uses to connect businesses with each other and clients in a standard way. Web Services allows applications to communicate with each other without worrying about their hardware systems, operating systems and programming languages.
The PcVue WebServices Tool kit is targeted at developers willing to implement a Web Services client taking advantage of the PcVue Web Services Toolkit public interfaces.
The Web Services Toolkit is a set of XML SOAP and REST Web Services accessible over https.
PcVue is a web services server for the following accesses:
- Session management
- Real time data access
- Real time alarm access
- Historical data access: Logged events and trends
Why using WebServices Toolkit ?
- To embed data from PcVue to an external Web portal
- To reuse application components: There are some features that need to be done outside from PcVue (very specific calculation with advanced algorithm). The treatment can be done in a third part application by reading data in PcVue using the WebServices toolkit & the result can be calculated & written back to PcVue.
- To connect existing software: Web services can help to solve the interoperability problem by giving different application to link their data. With Web services you can exchange data between different applications and different platforms.