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[KB1128] How to open SQL Server Configuration Manager
Applies to: SQL Server Summary: You may need to change the default configuration of your SQL Server instance, for example to allow TCP/IP access. The SQL Server Configuration Manager is not […]
[KB1042] Simple query to count record in SQL Server grouped by variable name
Applies to: PcVue 8.10 onwards Summary: A good practice for SQL Server database size optimization is to investigate which tags are recorded more often than others. This allows for example […]
Applies to: PcVue 11.0 onwards when using SQL Server 2012 Summary: The HDS is unable to record in SQL Server 2012 database when PcVue is started with a User with […]
[KB839] Using Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) on an SQL Server database
Applies to: All versions of PcVue that support the HDS Summary: This article explains how to enable and disable Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) on an SQL Server database. TDE is […]
[KB809] Setup of SQL Server 2014 fails
Applies to: SQL Server 2014 Summary: If the installation of SQL Server 2014 fails close to the end. Details: If the installation of SQL Server 2014 fails close to the […]
[KB761] Useful SQL Scripts
Applies to: All versions of PcVue Summary: Some example SQL scripts useful for troubleshooting.Originator: NK Details: GetDBSize.sql Script providing information about the space used by the data vs the space […]
[KB778] HDS replication : a simple SCADA Basic sample
Applies to: PcVue 8.10 onwards Summary: This article proposes a Scada Basic sample program explaining how to launch a SQL Server database replication, using replicationmanager.exe utility. If your replication doesn’t […]
[KB722] PcVue VS SQL Server Compatibility
Applies to: PcVue 8.10 and later Summary: List of SQL Server version and PcVue version with which it has been qualified. Qualified means it has been tested and verified and […]
[KB716] Accessing SQL Server Database through VBA
Applies to: All VBA versions Summary: This VBA module allows to send read and write requests to a SQL Server database, using the ADO VBA Reference. The script is embbeded […]
[KB666] Client station trying to connect to the SQL Server instance
Applies to: PcVue version 10.0 onwards. Summary: This article warns you about what could happen in a HDS archiving configuration, when a station that is not a historical server, tries […]
[KB654] How .hds files work ?
Applies to: PcVue version 8.10 onwards. Summary: This article explains why the file “ProjectName_DatabaseName_TableName.hds” in the Databases directory contains records. Details: .hds files are created in the directory containing the […]
[KB634] Error message Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once while launching PcVue
Applies to:PcVue version 8.10 onwards. Symptom:The following Windows error message is prompted at PcVue startup and PcVue can never be launched. “Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once” Details:A […]
Question: What is the meaning of the colors in the HDS icon? From PcVue 10.0 SP1 the HDS icon displayed in the System Tray changes color. Answer: The color of […]
[KB585] How to change database collation
Applies to: SQL Server. Summary: This article explains how to modify collation to avoid conflict between two databases. If collation is not the same on the two replicated databases, replication […]
[KB555] Backing up SQL Server databases with HDS storage units
Applies to: PcVue version 8.10 onwards Summary: This article guides you through setting up a backup strategy for HDS databases. The actions shown were taken with a version of SQL […]
[KB521] SQL Server Express Limitations
Applies to: SQL Express 2005 and 2008 Summary: This article is a reminder of the SQL Express database size limitations Details: Version Database size (.mdf) SQL Express 2005 4 Gb […]
[KB492] How to display local time in an SQL Server view
Applies to: Pcvue all versions Summary: This article explains how to add a TIMESTAMP field dynamically to Read requests from an external tool (for example SQL Server Management Studio) […]
[KB487] How to reduce the database LOG file (.ldf) size
Applies to: PcVue all versions. Summary: This article will help you to reduce disk space used by your LOG file when using the HDS and SQL Server 2005 or later. […]
[KB484] Troubleshooting HDS database creation or connection
Applies to: PcVue version 8.10 onwards. Summary: You start PcVue with a data archiving configuration using the HDS and that doesn’t work! Here is a checklist for troubleshooting the problem. […]
[KB481] HDS stopped
Applies to: PcVue version 8.2 onwards. Symptom: An historical configuration based on HDS is configured but the HDS never starts. Details: This issue may appear if you installed SQL server […]
[KB474] Integrity error DBCC CHECKDB
Applies to: SQL Server 2005 onwards. Summary: This article explains how to manage an consistency / integrity / DBCC CHECKDB error. Details: A data base may become corrupt. In this […]
[KB462] How to change SQL server password
Applies to: PcVue version 8.10 onwards. Summary: What to do if you forget the password needed for SQL to connect its SQL Server process? Details: All is not lost, you […]
[KB428] How to connect to a SQL Server instance
Applies to: PcVue all versions. Summary: This article is a reminder about how to connect to an SQL server 2008 R2 instance. Details: Here are the correct formats to connect […]
[KB328] SQL Server Firewall
Applies to: SQL Server 2005 This article contains obsolete references. Summary: By default ports and used protocols are: SQL Server uses the port 1433 ( TCP) SQL Browser uses the […]
[KB327] Enable the SQL Server Browser service
Applies to: SQL Server 2005 Summary: To facilitate the configuration of the posts, the SQL Server browser allows the discovery on the network of the SQL Server and the offer […]
[KB325] What do the EventNumber, VarType and AlarmState columns mean ?
Applies to: PcVue all versions. Summary: The meaning of the EventNumber, VarType and AlarmState columns in an SQL database as used by the Historic Data Server (HDS). Details: Sometimes it […]
[KB314] SVSQL mode CONNECT – Return Code: 0
Applies to: PcVue all versions. Summary: The SCADA Basic instruction, SVSQL mode CONNECT, return code 0 is not documented in the online help. The online help describes the verb “CONNECT […]
[KB312] SQL Server 2008 Unnamed Instance
Applies to:SQL Server 2008. Summary:It is not possible to create a database with SQL server 2008, installed as unnamed instance, when using generic syntax “.\”. This syntax, which allows access […]
[KB311] Sql Server 2005 Express installation problem with MSXML SP2 on XP
Applies to: SQL Server 2005 and Windows XP Summary: SqlServer setup fails: SqlServer setup does not complain about missing prerequisites but is unable to install MSXML extensions and the MS […]
[KB305] Replication sample with 2 SQL Express and 1 SQL Standard
Applies to: PcVue all versions with support for SQL Server 2005.The basic content of this article may also be applicable to other versions of Pcvue and SQL Server although the […]